Frequency Optimisation Commands

Frequency Optimisation Commands

By default the first 10 eigenmodes are considered to an upper frequency limit of 3 times the frequency target. This can be modified with the following commands:



If the Frequency Constraint is higher than the first calculated Eigenfrequency of the whole Design Space in the first Iteration, this can lead to the case that no material will be reduced. This can be resolved by reducing the Frequency Constraint or by entering the following command to the Advanced User Settings:


It has been observed that comparable heavy point masses can cause that the optimisation does not achieve the Frequency Constraint. To address this, the impact value can be set up to a value greater than 1. This can be done with the following Advanced User Settings command:


Event_2 has to be replaced with the name of the frequency event.

RBE2 (rigid connector) can be used as a connection type for a Point Mass.


Known Limitation MSC Apex GD 24.2: A RBE2 connector will lead to an incorrect eigenfrequency calculation.

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