Manufacturing Methods

Manufacturing Methods

Generic AM

AM Generic is the default manufacturing method for a general design creation for additive manufactured parts with isotropic material behaviour. The Failure Criterion is always the von Mises Stress.

Metal AM

For the Metal AM manufacturing method all material properties are available. All of them can be combined with the Von Mises Stress. If the material properties differ highly from isotropic the von Mises Stress is not recommended. For 3D Transversely Isotropic and 3D Orthotropic materials the Directional Dependent Failure Criteria are suitable to take directional dependent material limits into account.

FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication)

The FFF manufacturing method allows the characteristics that one direction of the material (build direction) has a significant lower stress threshold. Because of this, Isotropic material behaviour can be combined with the FFF Thumb Rule Failure Criterion to define the maximum stresses for the build direction and for the in-plane directions easily with one scalable value.

While using 3D Transversely Isotropic and 3D Orthotropic materials even more adjustable material limits can be set up like a difference between tension and compression strength besides the directional dependency (Tsai-Wu).


Since MSC Apex Generative Design 2024.1 it is possible to include manufacturing constraints for casting methods. Currently, this is only available via Advanced User Settings and not with UI support. Please find an explanation in the Advanced User Settings area, especially under: Manufacturing Method: Casting or in the tutorial Casting - Triple Clamp


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