Configuration - Objects/Surfaces

Configuration - Objects/Surfaces


First, all STL files required for the optimization are loaded into the program in the "Objects/Surfaces" tab. This can be done either via the "Plus" button or by drag-and-drop from the Windows Explorer. Incorrectly loaded or revised objects can be removed individually or replaced by a new version. A removed file will not be considered during the optimization, but it will not be deleted from the project folder so that it can be loaded again.

An STL file is activated by clicking on it, so that a property field opens in the lower area.

  • Here you can change the name and select the material.
  • The material database can be extended with specific material properties via the gear next to the material field. (The Material file is saved in your personal AppData folder.)
  • For exactly one volume, the assignment must be defined as a design space. Several design spaces within a model are not possible, even though the volume of the design space may be shaped as complex as desired.

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