Generative Design - GD-Bracket Part 2

Generative Design - GD-Bracket Part 2

Here are some example projects for the current release:

Generative Design

You can always change the Strut Density, Stress Goal and Complexity to influence the results and try out different options

Changing the complexity setting:

By changing the Complexity value from a lower (left image below) to a higher value (right image below) the resulting structure changes because the optimisation is carried out with a higher resolution. The emerging structure is more detailed and defined, but it also takes more time to get to this result. It depends on the model, the field of application and other non-quantifiable conditions which complexity setting is best suited for the part. We suggest starting with a low Complexity value for the first optimisations and after receiving the results consider whether a higher value is appropriate for the model.

You can see the results for two Complexity settings and the deactivation of Keep Non-Design Spaces below.

Reduce fixation points vs. Keep all Non-Design Spaces

To realize an optimisation with as much freedom as possible you should disable the Keep Non-Design Spaces function for the six fixations points as well as the constraint created with them. You can also create six separate constraints and deactivate all of them as well as the six Non-Design Spaces.

This way the algorithm works at its best and creates the most fitting results to the boundary conditions. With this approach it is possible to let the algorithm decide which and how many fixation points are necessary and needed for the applied boundary conditions. The reduction of fixation points almost always results in a more lightweight design by still taking into consideration the Safety Factor/Stress Goal of the structure.

In other cases, it is important to keep defined fixation points and this can be realized with the activated Keep Non-Design Spaces function.

The result in this example includes all six fixation points. As shown in the left image the first optimisation reduced one of the fixation points and by choosing the presented function all of the six fixation points are included in the result.

Introducing Event Specific Safety Factors

To prioritize Events differently, Event Specific Safety Factor can be placed on single Events. It is also possible to prioritize only one Event. In this case the other event will take the global Safety Factor/Stress Goal into consideration for the optimisation.

It can be seen clearly that the prioritization of the first Events changes the design. The geometry in the left picture shows more material in the structure because of the higher Safety Factor/ lower Stress Goal

for the first Event. The enveloped stress for both Events clearly shows a gradation between front and back structure. You can also have a look at the stress distribution for each Event separately. By activating the Lock Spectrum Range, the stresses can be compared more easily.

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