Comparison between Apex GD results and Apex Structures verification
The retransitioned NURBS-Geometry is perfectly suitable for a verification with a certified solver. MSC Apex Generative Design is a design generator a Re-Analysis with a high precise FEM-Tool like MSC Nastran is recommended.
In the picture below the Post Processing of the GD-Bracket inside MSC Apex Generative Design is shown. The stresses are displayed with a scale range from zero to twice the chosen stress goal. The main area of the part is evenly loaded with the desired Stress Goal. Some stress risings are visible at Design Space boundary limits and at the transitions from Non-Design Spaces to the Design structure.
The next picture shows the FE-Reanalysis with MSC Apex (Structures). The high precise FE-Analysis shows even more clearly stress risings at the transitions from the Non-Design Spaces to the Design structure. These stress risings are only on the surfaces of the material and do not necessarily have to have an influence on the tensile strength of the part.
The shown GD-Bracket optimisation was done with the default settings which lead to smooth transitions between Non-Design Spaces / Interfaces and Design structure to avoid hard notches. Stress risings often have an impact on the fatigue life of a part and should be considered.
The optimisation with the automatic Non-Design growth activated leads to results like the one below The transition here is a hard notch which also leads to peak stresses. With the Advanced User Settings the transition can be changed according to the respective needs.
More to the automatic Non-Design growth and how these settings influence and impact the design here.
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