NURBS Retransition - Manual Intersection

NURBS Retransition - Manual Intersection

Goal of this Tutorial

  • Manual NURBS Intersection to receive the Norm Geometry

To create the final CAD-Geometry all functional surfaces and sharp edges have to be created with Boolean operations. The best way for this is a Boolean intersection between the retransitioned optimisation result and the Design space of the optimisation. A copy of the Design space is needed for the following operation.

With the Transform Tool the Solid of the Design Space can be copied by activating the copy option.

To create one solid without any cells or partitions the Boolean Merge Function for cells has to be used. With this a Solid only for the Intersection with the NURBS Geometry is created.

The next step is a Boolean Intersection between the created NURBS Geometry of the optimisation result and the edited Design Space solid.

In some cases, this intersection fails due to overlaying surfaces from the optimised result and Design Space.

If this happens the Design Space for the Intersection needs to be manipulated to make a Boolean intersection possible. In most cases a reduction of the Design Space for the intersection is successful.

For this part all bore hole radii are increased by 1 mm from r = 5 mm to r = 6 mm.

Furthermore, the surface at the bottom is decrease (pushed) by -0.2 mm (in negative z-direction).

Now, the Boolean Intersection between the optimisation result and the modified Design Space can be performed.

The last step is to bring back the original dimensions for the bore holes and the down surfaces.

With the Push/Pull Tool all radii can be set back to r = 5 mm.

Moreover, the down surfaces have to be increased by 0.2 mm.

The result is an intersected CAD-Geometry with all functional sharp edges and surfaces. At this point it is also possible to create Machining Allowances on functional surfaces if this was not already considered and done in the optimisation.

The finished Geometry can be used in any CAD software and for all further steps like a FE-Reanalysis with MSC Apex/Nastran.

Workaround: Boolean Subtraction

For some complex parts it might not be directly clear which areas are the critical ones for the intersection. In these cases, Boolean Subtractions can help to create the functional surfaces and sharp edges.

With the Project Sketching Tool solids can be easily created from the Design Space. In a next step these can be subtracted from the optimisation result.

The result of the Boolean Subtraction are functional surfaces as well as sharp edges.

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