Installing GPU Solving (NVIDIA CUDA)
To use GPU calculation a Nvidia Quadro Graphics Card needs to be available as well as the corresponding license and maybe a one-time installation of the CUDA Driver. The installation of the CUDA Driver might not be necessary if a quite new Nvidia Driver is already installed. In case the optimisation doesn’t start with just the Nvidia Driver, please install the CUDA Runtime Driver as explained below. The driver will be controlled and started automatically via MSC Apex Generative Design.
Installing the CUDA Driver
To use the GPU Solving option a CUDA Driver needs to be installed (CUDA 11.5 is supported). Please have a look at the Nvidia CUDA Driver website to find the corresponding Driver to your system.
Download the Driver and start the CUDA installation.
Select the custom installation option “CUDA Runtime” and follow the prompts.
To check if the CUDA installation was successful start one of our already prepared demo parts. You can find the files at the end of each Tutorial. We suggest using the bookshelf tutorial with a low complexity.
Installing GPU Solver Service
If you want to use GPU Solving, you must select the GPU Solver Service. The option is selected per default.
Select your IP Address and choose a Port number for your GPU Service (default: 42001)
If you have already installed a former version of MSC Apex Generative Design, choose a different GPU Port number (in this release 42007)
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