Generative Design Configuration Tool
The Generative Design Configuration Tool is associating different parts of geometry to create an optimisation geometry. Depending on the input a Boolean Operation takes place to create the Design Space e.g. from a bounding box and to associate the Interfaces, Non-Design Spaces and Retained Volume to the newly created Design Space. This is mainly used for part consolidation optimisations or whenever Retained Volumes are required for an optimisation.
To use the tool, the initial Design Space, Non-Design Spaces, Retained Volumes, Excluded Volumes, Access Regions, Clearance Regions and Interfaces should be created beforehand. For the Design Space the Bounding Box Method of the Design Space Tool can be used. The Interfaces and Non-Design Spaces are created on the original part geometries and automatically referred to the corresponding surfaces of the new Design Space. The Retained and Excluded Volumes can be separate parts or solids and a different material than the Design Space material can be associated with the Retained Volume. The Access Regions can be created with the Access Region Tool as well as the Clearance Regions with the Clearance Region Tool. All relevant geometries are selected sequentially in the tool. Some geometries and their association is automatically recognized and sorted by the tool. When the selection is done, the configuration need to be created and applied to receive the Design Space for the optimisation.
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