In this section you find information about occurring warnings and errors. As we are still gathering information on how/when warnings and errors occur and under which circumstances this site will constantly be updated with new information.
You can find Warning & Error codes displayed in the Studies tab by double clicking on the Meshless Generative Design Status or in the log files in the result folder in your workspace (log_error.log & log_warning.log).Information regarding the “Analysis Readiness” checks can be found here.
Please contact the MSC Apex Support ( if a warning or error occurs which is not yet listed here or cannot be averted by applying the compiled help.
Information regarding the “Analysis Readiness” checks can be found here.
“Probable reduction of the model is more than …% of the starting model.”
Check the unit system of your Start Space. When using a Start Space the STL-file needs to be available in the same unit system as the optimisation was setup. Further information about a Restart here.
Result data couldn't be projected onto the result geometry for certain polygons (blackgrey). The stresses and displacements cannot be viewed in certain areas.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
Result data couldn't be projected onto the result geometry for certain polygons (blackgrey). The stresses and displacements cannot be viewed in certain areas.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
Result data couldn't be projected onto the result geometry for certain polygons (blackgrey). The stresses and displacements cannot be viewed in certain areas.Please contact MSC Apex Support.
Result data couldn't be projected onto the result geometry for certain polygons (blackgrey). The stresses and displacements cannot be viewed in certain areas.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
Result data couldn't be projected onto the result geometry for certain polygons (blackgrey). The stresses and displacements cannot be viewed in certain areas.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
No Solver IP was found in the configuration file.
The connection to the external solver was not possible. The optimization optimisation will continue and fall back to local CPU solving.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
GPU solution was requested but is not installed - running on the CPU only.
The GPU service is not installed. The optimisation will continue and fall back to local CPU solving.
The Matrix is too large for the GPU solver.
The GPU memory is too small for the model. The optimisation falls back to CPU calculation. Continue calculating on CPU or reduce the matrix by adjusting the model ( e.g. reduce the
If you have used the GUI to setup the model, this will be handled automatically.
The Machining Allowance … is too small to be represented. Choose a bigger Machining Allowance so that a representation is possible.
The Machining Allowance is much larger than Design Space. Please check the unit dimensions in Configuration File.
The Machining Allowance protrudes the build area box. Choose a smaller Machining Allowance.
Meshfix warning …
Either due to W39fed060, W1cc18b49, W1cc213b7, W1cc2b4cd or W8637fb8 or as a result of a GPU solver failure / communication issue.
If any of the other warning codes were reported, refer to them. Otherwise check the GPU solver log and its service status (C:\Windows\Temp\cudaSolver).
This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving.
The GPU solving was not activated and the optimisation will be carried out on CPU.
This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving.
The GPU solving was activated and the software will use GPU solving if there aren’t any other issues.
This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving.
If you wish to optimise using GPU solving, make sure you have installed the GPU service. Further information regarding the installation and usage here.
One or more of the boundary conditions (Load, Moment, Acceleration, Pressure or Displacement) could not be found in the configuration file.
Restart file volume is magnitudes smaller than Design Space. Please check the scaling of the restart file and make sure it fits to the unit system of the model.
Unable to find file for optimisation space … .
If you are using the Command Line execution, add an STL-file that’s set as the optimisation space to the folder and start the optimisation anew.
Please contact MSC Apex Generative Design Support.
Reconnection failed.
Restart file found: … - Restarting at iteration …
The optimisation continues with the default value for the Complexity. If you want to change the value go to the Application Settings - Generative Design Solver Studies Taband adjust the value.
Connection to GPU solver was not possible. Falling back to CPU solving. This can happen in different situations:
The GPU Service is not installed. Please check if the GPU Service installation was successful by checking the computers services for “MSC Apex GD GPU Solver Engine 2020 Feature Pack 1 (port …)”.
The GPU Service is not running. Please have a look at your computers Services and make sure the “MSC Apex GD GPU Solver Engine 2020 Feature Pack 1 (port …)” is running.
The network interface is no longer active. This can happen if you are disconnecting from a network. Make sure that the network adapters in the computer Device Manager do not go into sleep mode to save power when disconnected.
If you are using the Command Line execution, make sure a Strut Density is set in the Configuration File. Supported are the types Dense, Medium and Sparse. The optimisation will continue with the default option Medium. If you would like to use another Strut Density please define this in the Studies Tab/Configuration File.
Please contact the MSC Apex Support.
This can be a hint that the STL-file format is incorrect for a Restart or Start Space optimisation. It’s also possible that the input STL-file is defect. Please check the unit system and the quality of the input STL-file.
Creating a remesh of the geometry failed. The optimisation will continue.
AutomaticFunctionalFacesDetection might be unstable, corrections have been applied.
The optimisation run will continue.
There is not enough memory (RAM) available for the optimisation to continue.
Otherwise, reduce the Complexity of your optimisation model (Application Settings - Generative Design SolverStudy Tab).
Unable to meet requested detail level. Minimum level: …
The input level of detail cannot be reached. Adjust the detail value and try another optimisation run.
If you have added Advanced User Settings with adjusted iteration levels and stress goalsStress Goals, these are not chosen very well. Please adjust your model set up and try another optimisation run.
The model is too large, complexity is too high for this optimisation model.
If you have added Advanced User Settings with adjusted iteration levels and Stress Goals, these are not chosen very well. Please adjust your model set up and try another optimisation run.
Config line is not UTF-8 encoded
The input of the configuration file Configuration File doesn’t meet the required coding standard. If you have entered wide-characters, please change these and try to start the optimisation again.
Please contact MSC Apex Generative Design support for further help.
Please contact the MSC Apex Support.
“The Mask … was removed.”
The Only … GB free memory.
The system has not enough free memory (RAM) to create the FE-Matrix.
A complexity of … (detail: …) is too high, and also a complexity of … (detail: …) would certainly be too high to pass the first iteration. A complexity of … (detail: …) is recommended.
The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended.
We109f304 is handled as an error
The warning We109f304 causes a stop of the calculation.
Sometimes, this error can prevent an optimisation with a Start Space on the highest resolution level although the optimisation would be possible. Add disable.error.Ee109f304 to the Advanced User Settings to ingnore it.
The Mask … was removed.
The Design Space has lost the connection to a Non-Design Space on which no boundary conditions are applied (former W8b7af774).
FAQ: Tearing off of Non-Design Spaces
“Start Start space volume is magnitudes bigger than design space. You might want to check start space scaling”scaling.
The Start Space STL-file is in a wrong unit system.
Only the SI-Unit system is supported for a Restart.
“No No fixed knots found.”
The Design Space has lost the connection to one or more of the fixation(s). The model is no longer fixated and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.FAQ: Tearing off of Non-Design Spaces
“The The … was removed and the applied boundary constraints are not considered”considered
The Design Space has lost the connection to the force/constraint application point. The model is no longer complete and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.FAQ: Tearing off of Non-Design Spaces
In case you are using the symmetry option, have a look at your model setup. The forces and constraints must be applied on the part of the model in the direction of the positive coordinate system of the model.
Please don't overlay different Coordinate Systems that have fixation constraints.
Check your fixation constraints which refer to the local coordinate systems.
Missing iteration level … in config
The input of the Advanced User Settings is incomplete.
Memory allocation error.
There is not enough working memory available. Adjust the complexity Complexity to a lower value and restart the optimisation.
Last written PLY file could not be determined.
Check your available memory. If you don’t have enough available memory the result files cannot be written and the optimisation cannot continue. If you have sufficient memory, please contact the MSC Apex Support.
GPU Solving CUDA Solver Warnings & Errors