The Non-Design Space Tool entails two methods to define Non-Design Spaces:
The direct method Direct Method: already Already existing cells can directly be directly selected as Non-Design Spaces.
These cells can be created with geometry tools like Split Tool or with a boolean Boolean merge operation. If multiple solids are present with if multiple solids already exist. When using the Boolean merge operation, the “merge solids as cells” option they can be merged to one solid including several cellshas to be activated in order to create the cells in one solid. These cells can then be selected as Non-Design Spaces with the direct method Direct Method in the Non-Design Space Tool.
The Offset methodMethod: Using the a split method a the Non-Design Space volume can be created with a defined offset value. Therefore, This way an offset surface volume from the a selected surface is created. The offset surface always cuts through the whole volume unless enclosing surfaces are selected.