You can either create the geometry directly in MSC Apex Generative Design or import already existing files. You can import for example .xb, .xt, .step, and .sldprt files into the program.
Import/create the Design Space including the Interfaces (Non-Design Spaces) in MSC Apex Generative Design as one solid.
Open the Optimization Tools to select the imported Geometry as the Design Space.
Choose the material AlSi10Mg in the Materials editor and assign it to the Design Space. In this case the material behaviour is Isotropic.
The Tension Strength is the maximum allowable stress for the material and is set to 460 MPa.
Currently, the creation of displacement constraints with RBE2 ties and rotational degrees of freedom isn’t supported from the graphical user interface. To realize it, dummy loads are created and modified by the Advanced User Settings.
On the outer cylindric surfaces two dummy loads are created. These dummy loads need to have a load value in the direction which will be constraint afterwards.
Step 4: Interface Creation
Interfaces have to be created for every functional surface - so every surface where a boundary condition is applied to. With this Tool an offset to the inside with the input “Non-Design Space Thickness” and an offset to the outside with the input “Machining Allowance” is created. The Offset Distance is expanding the Interface to the set value to create material on front faces.
The next steps are defined in the Studies area.
All boundary conditions must be assigned to the specific load cases, which are defined as Events. The number of Eventscan be changed by adding/deleting Eventsto the GD Scenario. The assignment of the boundary conditions to the Eventscan be made in the Loads & Constrains Window. The already created loads and constraints that concern the Design Space are listed in this window and can be activated for each Eventindividually.
Event 1: Force 1, Force 2, Force 3
Step 6: Modifying the dummy loads to displacement constraints (with RBE2 ties)
With the Advanced User Settings the dummy loads (Load 2, Load 3) are modified to displacement constraints.
The same is done for the second dummy load. For this, the translational displacement in x-direction is free as well.
boundaryConditionconnector.ModelLoadEvent_Force_2_Force.tyingModetype=RBE2 boundaryConditionconnector.ModelLoadEvent_Force_3_Force.tyingModetype=RBE2 |
The optimisation parameters are selected in the Studies Area as well.
Manufacturing Method: Generic AM
Failure Criteria: Von Mises
Safety Factor: 35
Strut Density: Medium
Shape Quality: Balanced
Step 8: Starting the optimisation in the command line and visualize the results
The optimisation results can be imported back into the graphical user interface. Therefore, the Import Generative Design Results option is used. The post processing can be accessed over the new imported scenario.
Inside the Post-Processing the von Mises stress and the displacements are visible for all iterations and for every Event
In the picture below the displacement in z-direction is displayed
With the Mission Switch the optimised result can be analysed with MSC Apex / Nastran. The following gif shows the rotation in the created displacement constraints.