The optimisation has reduced nearly all material which is not a fixation or part of the symmetry plane. All remaining elements are fixated. The applied force might be too small in comparison to the stress goal which ensures the reduction of almost all the material. Please reconsider your model set up.
FEM forces in … are zero
There are no forces applied to the design, forces are zero, point of application is fixated in the same event as the force is applied or forces were forgotten to place in one event. Please, check your model set up.
FEM matrix solution failed (error … fails to achieve target margin … after … of … iterations.
The FEM could not be solved sufficiently because of the model set up. Please reconsider your model set up and try again.
FEM matrix solution failed (error … fails to achieve target margin …
The FEM could not be solved sufficiently because of the model set up. Please reconsider your model set up and try again.
Low memory, reducing preallocation amount … attempts left.
The configuration file is missing an entry or command. Please check your entries in the Advanced User Settings or if you are using the Command Line Optimisation please check the Configuration File. You can find all commands for the Advanced User Settings here and the Configuration File here.
Unable to resolve input file name statistics.csv
This may occur if an optimisation is started with Advanced User Settings with which only 1 or 2 iterations should be calculated. If this is the case please add the following Advanced User Settings commands:
entries in the Advanced User Settings or if you are using the Command Line Optimisation please check the Configuration File. You can find all commands for the Advanced User Settings here and the Configuration File here.
unexpected error loading file statistics.csv: Unable to open input file