Configuration File
The Configuration File contains all information necessary for the algorithm to run through the optimisation. It is subdivided into different areas regarding the Configuration, Schedule, Material, Failure Criterion, Event, Boundary Conditions, Design, Geometry, Machining Allowance, Non-Design Spaces and Coordinate System. The file is written in the JSON-file format.
Based on the geometry data (STL-files) and the Configuration File, the algorithm can run fully autonomous and saves the result files in one subfolder each time it is started in the main folder.
The Configuration File starts with the general request to perform an optimisation and the Version number for which the configuration file was created.
applicationRequest | OptimizationLoop | Indicates that the regular optimisation loop is executed |
engine_version | 2022.3 | Indicates the version number with which the configuration file was created |
The Configuration section defines the Design Space and general optimization parameters.
configuration.offsetSpace | Geometry used for the intersection with the Design Space to receive the print geometry |
configuration.buildSpace | Geometry used for the intersection with the Design Space to receive the nominal geometry |
configuration.complexity | Defines how complex the design is getting. More information here. |
configuration.eigenThreads | Number of CPU threads that can be used to build the matrix. At least two cores should always remain free. We recommend using 2-6 threads. |
configuration.maxConcurrentGPUSolvers | Maximum number of GPUs used by the optimisation (support GPUs: Nvidia Quadro Graphics Cards supported by CUDA Driver) |
configuration.solver.<name>.strategy | InternalCPU: CPU based solver ExternLegacy: External (GPU) solver |
| IP of the external solver, localhost for the same workstation. IP for cloud, for what the matrix is built locally and sent to the calculation unit. Large amounts of data can be moved with a corresponding amount of time. |
configuration.solver.<name>.port | Port which is used to access the CudaSolver. This can be selected arbitrarily, according to the specified value when starting the solver. (The default port for the Cuda service is 42001). |
configuration.symmetry.x configuration.symmetry.y configuration.symmetry.z | x-axis as symmetry plane (Y-Z-Plane) y-axis as symmetry plane (X-Z-Plane) z-axis as symmetry plane (X-Y-Plane) |
configuration.symmetry.coordinateSystem | If the symmetry is to refer to a local coordinate system, the following command must also be entered (Coordinate_system_1 is the name of the local coordinate system and can vary) |
false | Functional Surfaces are automatically detected. These areas grow during an optimisation to guarantee sharp edges and functional surfaces after the intersection. If all functional surfaces have a Machining Allowance applied to them, this option should be deactivated. |
configuration.unitSystem | Used unit system |
The schedule section contains the information regarding the levels and iterations during the optimisation.
schedule.prefabricated.shapeQuality |
schedule.prefabricated.strutDensity |
schedule.prefabricated.supportReductionMode | New experimental function to reduce the needed support for which different operation modes are possible |
schedule.prefabricated.supportReductionIntensity | For some support reduction modes the intensity is adjustable |
You can influence these values further using the Advanced User Settings and the commands listed here.
Information about the experimental support reduction can be found here.
The Material section includes all relevant information regarding the material used during the optimisation. Three different material types can be entered.
material.<name>.failureCriterionName | Name of the Failure Criterion |
material.<name>.coordinateSystem | Coordinate system related to the material |
material.<name>.density | Material density |
material.<name>.material | Material name |
Isotropic Material
material.<name>.elementMode | Name of an element type |
material.<name>.young | Young’s modulus |
material.<name>.poisson | Poisson ratio |
3D Transversely Isotropic Material
material.<name>.elementMode | Specified material name |
material.<name>.exx material.<name>.eyy | Axial Young’s Modulus x Transversal Young’s modulus yz |
material.<name>.gxy | Shear modulus of parallel planes. |
material.<name>.vxy material.<name>.vyz | Axial Poisson ratio Transversal Poisson ratio |
3D Orthotropic Material
material.<name>.elementMode | Specified material name |
material.<name>.exx material.<name>.eyy material.<name>.ezz | Young’s modulus x Young’s modulus y Young’s modulus z |
material.<name>.gxy material.<name>.gxz material.<name>.gyz | Shear modulus of xy plane Shear modulus of xz plane Shear modulus of yz plane |
material.<name>.vxy material.<name>.vyx material.<name>.vxz material.<name>.vzx material.<name>.vyz material.<name>.vzy | xy component of Poisson ratio tensor yx component of Poisson ratio tensor xz component of Poisson ratio tensor zx component of Poisson ratio tensor yz component of Poisson ratio tensor zy component of Poisson ratio tensor |
Failure Criterion
The Failure Criterion section contains all information regarding the goal of the optimisation.
Von Mises
failureCriterion.<name>.failureCriterion | Specified name of the Failure Criterion |
failureCriterion.<name>.tensileStrength | Tensile Strength of the material |
Tsai Hill Failure Criterion
Failure Criterion for directional dependent Stress Goals (max. allowable Stress)
failureCriterion.<name>.failureCriterion | Specified name of the Failure Criterion. |
failureCriterion.<name>.x_t | Axial Tensile Strength |
failureCriterion.<name>.y_t | Transversal Tensile Strength |
failureCriterion.<name>.x_c | Axial Compression Strength (3D Orthotropic Material) |
failureCriterion.<name>.y_c | Transversal Compression Strength (3D Orthotropic Material) |
failureCriterion.<name>.s | Shear Strength |
Tsai Wu Failure Criterion
Failure Criterion for directional dependent Stress Goals (max. allowable Stress)
failureCriterion.<name>.failureCriterion | Specified name of the Failure Criterion |
failureCriterion.<name>.x_t | Tensile Strength x |
failureCriterion.<name>.y_t | Tensile Strength y |
failureCriterion.<name>.x_c | Compression Strength x |
failureCriterion.<name>.y_c | Compression Strength y |
failureCriterion.<name>.s_xy | Shear Strength in XY |
The Event section sorts all Loads & Boundary Conditions to load cases and also defines the goal for each load case during the optimisation.
event.<name>.eventName | Specified name of the event |
event.<name>.safetyFactor | Event specific Safety Factor |
event.<name>.condition.<name> | Collection of boundary conditions considered for this event |
Boundary Conditions
The Boundary Conditions section contains all information regarding the different loads and constraints.
boundaryCondition.<name>.geometryName | Name of a geometry entry to associate with. |
boundaryCondition.<name>.coordinateSystem | Name of a coordinate system described in the same file, used for describing constraints in local coordinates |
boundaryCondition.<name>.load.x boundaryCondition.<name>.load.y boundaryCondition.<name>.load.z | x-direction of load y-direction of load z-direction of load |
boundaryCondition.<name>.displacement.x boundaryCondition.<name>.displacement.y boundaryCondition.<name>.displacement.z | x-direction of displacement y-direction of displacement z-direction of displacement |
boundaryCondition.<name>.moment.x boundaryCondition.<name>.moment.y boundaryCondition.<name>.moment.z | x-direction of moment y-direction of moment z-direction of moment |
boundaryCondition.<name>.acceleration.x boundaryCondition.<name>.acceleration.y boundaryCondition.<name>.acceleration.z | x-direction of acceleration y-direction of acceleration z-direction of acceleration |
boundaryCondition.<name>.pointOfApplication.x boundaryCondition.<name>.pointOfApplication.y boundaryCondition.<name>.pointOfApplication.z | x-direction of point of application y-direction of point of application z-direction of point of application |
boundaryCondition.<name>.pointOfApplication.coordinateSystem | Coordinate system related to the point of application |
boundaryCondition.<name>.pressure | value of the pressure force |
The Design section defines the geometry for the Design Space and connects this with the defined Material.
design.<name>.geometryName | Definition of the Design Space. |
design.<name>.materialName | Definition of material for the Design Space. |
In the Geometry section, all geometries and their paths are defined. For each geometry used in the optimisation an STL-file needs to be available in the optimisation folder.
geometry.<name>.isOpenSurface geometry.<name>.useSurfaceOnly geometry.<name>.useSurfaceCentroid | Indicates that the geometry is a surface and not a volume |
geometry.<name>.path | Path to the geometry file |
Machining Allowance
The Machining Allowances section collects all information regarding the Machining Allowances.
machiningOffset.<name>.geometryName | Specified name of the Machining Allowance reference geometry |
machiningOffset.<name>.offset | Defines the thickness of the Machining Allowance in the chosen unit |
Non-Design Spaces
The Non-Design Spaces section defines the preserve behaviour of specific regions and includes the information regarding retained Volumes.
nonDesign.<name>.geometryName | Specified geometry name |
nonDesign.<name>.preserveGeometry | The volume cannot be removed during the optimisation and will keep a connection to the rest of the design |
nonDesign.<name>.retainedVolume | A Retained Volumes specifies an area of the optimisation model which is included in the analysis but not in the design. |
Coordinate System
In the Coordinate System section all used coordinate systems are listed and defined.
coordinateSystem.<name>.alpha coordinateSystem.<name>.beta coordinateSystem.<name>.gamma | The coordinate system is located/orientated with coordinate values and Euler angles regarding the global coordinate system. |
coordinateSystem.<name>.origin.x coordinateSystem.<name>.origin.y coordinateSystem.<name>.origin.z | The coordinate system has a point of origin. |
Advanced User Settings
Have a look here for more information and commands that can be used.
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