Next some help geometries are created that will be subtracted from the initial Design Space. For these steps the Design Space is hidden.
At first we need to define regions where accessibility is needed
Therefore, the split tool with the offset function as split method and a value of 3 mm is used.
Ensure to use “partition” as split behavior
After this the Access Regions based on the cells can be created.
Therefore, the Access Region Tool in the Optimisation Tools is activated.
A sufficient extrude Distance is entered and the face of the created cells is chosen to create the according Access Region.
It’s recommended to choose a scaling factor for the Access Regions to have a little bit extra space for the assembly work later on (see 1.1).
Click Create Configuration and a GD Configuration will be created.
Click Apply Configuration and the tool executes all necessary Boolean Operations.
The final Design Space is created.
Note: By applying the configuration a new part is created on which all necessary Boolean operations have been performed automatically
For the next steps hide all the other Parts of the Assembly except for the new Design Space.
You can see the included parts of the GD Configuration by double clicking the GD Configuration in the Model Browser.