Goal of this tutorial
Use a manual model set-up to realize Casting Regions
Modify the optimisation input accoridingly
Run the optimisation in the command line
Relevant data for this tutorial:
This Tutorial is based on the previous Tutorial for the Manufacturing Method: Casting. With some modifications it is possible to create Casting Regions. A Casting Region defines casting specific settings (e.g. draw direction / tapering angle) for separate regions of the Design Space.
Step 1: Open existing casting project
Open the already set up casting project of the Triple Clamp.
Step 2: Define Casting Regions
To define Casting Regions additional volumes have to be defined and exported. In this case we want to create one Casting Region on the left-hand side and another on the right-hand side.
Therefore, a new Part is created in the model tree with a copy of the Design Space solid (Transform tool, movement with 0mm) and a surface to split the Design Space into several Casting Regions. The Split Tool is used to perform this action.
Two solids are created which are renamed to Solid 1 & Solid 2:
Step 3: Add Advanced User Settings - Casting Regions settings
The already defined settings for the previous casting optimisation are kept. These define the Casting optimisation as well as two draw directions with a tapering angle of 5°. This time positive Z-direction and negative Y-direction are defined as Draw directions.
configuration.strategy=Casting tool.tool0.draft=5 tool.tool1.draft=5 |
Additionally, the both casting regions are added and linked to the draw directions.
toolRegion.region0.geometryName= toolRegion0 toolRegion.region0.tools.tool0 toolRegion.region1.geometryName= toolRegion1 toolRegion.region1.tools.tool1 geometry.toolRegion0.path = Solid 1.stl geometry.toolRegion1.path = Solid 2.stl |
There is no limitation in the number of draw directions (tools) and Casting Regions (toolRegions). Several draw directions can be linked to one Casting Region.
Step 4: Export of the optimisation scenario & casting regions
The optimisation scenario is exported to a freely selectable folder.
Into the same folder the created Casting Regions are exported as a .stl file. (Attention: The unit system has to be in meters!)
Step 5: Command line optimisation start
Now, inside the exported folder the optimisation input (configuration file & geometry files) as well as the manual created Casting Regions can be found:
A PowerShell or command line has to be opened in this folder. Inside the MSC Apex installation folder the runGD_Engine.bat has to be executed to start the optimisation. As an argument the name of the configuration file has to be added.
& 'C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\MSC Apex\2024-011290\runGD_Engine.bat' -c .\GD_Scenario_1.json
After pressing enter the optimisation starts in the command line.
Step 6: Quick modification of the optimisation set-up
By opening the configuration file (.json) the optimisation parameters and the casting set-up can be modified easily.
In the tool section additional tools can be added and linked to the toolRegion. Each tool can be one draw direction with a specified tapering angle.
Step 7: Post Processing & Visualisation of the results
The optimisation results are saved in an additional subfolder with a timestamp.
These results can be imported back to MSC Apex GD (File → Import → Import GD Results).
You can go back to the model setup by clicking the Exit button in the right bottom corner.
The whole MSC Apex Generative Design project with all results can be downloaded here: