How does the Input behave? (different conditions / overlapping spaces)

How does the Input behave? (different conditions / overlapping spaces)

  • Apex Generative Design works with STL-files as an Input

  • One STL-file is marked as Design-Space and is preferred first


  • All further STL-files are NonDesign-Spaces and can overwrite parts of the DesignSpace


  • On each NonDesign file different conditions (Force, Moment, Pressure, Fixation) can be attached


  • It is not possible to attach on the same NonDesign-Space more than one of the same condition (e.g. Force) in one loadcase


  • If two or more NonDesign-Spaces with a condition are on the same spot, only one will be considered in the overlapping space

  • NonDesign-Spaces can touch or overlap, but the overlapping space will be either one of the conditions (e.g. Pressure or Force)


  • For other loadcases the same condition (e.g. Force) can be attached on the same NonDesign-Space


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