Warning & Error Codes
In this section you find information about occurring warnings and errors. As we are continuously gathering information on how/when warnings and errors occur and under which circumstances this site will constantly be updated with new information.
You can find Warning & Error codes displayed in the Studies tab by double clicking on the Generative Design Status or in the log files in the result folder in your workspace (log_error.log & log_warning.log).
Please contact the MSC Apex Support (mscapex.support@mscsoftware.com) if a warning or error occurs which is not yet listed here or cannot be averted by applying the compiled help.
Information regarding the “Analysis Readiness” checks can be found here.
GPU solver was not requested, using CPU solver only.
This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving. The GPU solving was not activated.
GPU computation was requested but is unavailable due to license limitations, using CPU solver only.
This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving. To use GPU Solving an additional license is necessary. Please check your licenses in Options → License Manager or deactivate GPU solving in the Options → Application Settings - Generative Design Solver.
GPU computation was requested but no devices were found, using CPU solver only.
GPU computation was requested, using up to … GPU(s).
Found … voxels outside of valid design space … removed them.
Optimization run continues.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
Cannot map voxel …
The loads and boundary conditions could not be mapped to the voxel model and might not be considered in the optimisation anymore. LBCs should always be applied to Non-Design Spaces. These ensure a correct consideration of the LBCs during the optimisation.
Cannot copy output file. … does not exist as regular file
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. While the SwitchAddRemove (schedule.iterations.OutputDuplicateInErode.outputMode, schedule.iterations.OutputDuplicateInGrow.outputMode) option is active only every second iteration is visible as an result. In this case the iteration could not be copied but the optimisation will continue. To remedy this situation delete the output folder and start the optimisation anew.
Copying output file … would override …
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. While the SwitchAddRemove (schedule.iterations.OutputDuplicateInErode.outputMode, schedule.iterations.OutputDuplicateInGrow.outputMode) option is active only every second iteration is visible as an result. In this case the iteration could not be copied but the optimisation will continue. To remedy this situation delete the output folder and start the optimisation anew.
Unable to copy output file …
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. While the SwitchAddRemove (schedule.iterations.OutputDuplicateInErode.outputMode, schedule.iterations.OutputDuplicateInGrow.outputMode) option is active only every second iteration is visible as an result. In this case the iteration could not be copied but the optimisation will continue. To remedy this situation delete the output folder and start the optimisation anew.
Carve intersection is disabled. The fallback intersection method will take place instead.
Remeshing failed, mesh was not changed. The optimisation will continue without creating a remesh.
Sewing resolution … exceeds rasterization resolution … adjusting threshold from … to …
The model is very big (galactic size) and cannot be imported in the software. Check you unit system and dimensions.
Conflicting local coordinate systems at symmetry boundary.
The symmetry plane is too close to a Non-Design Space which experiences LBCs which refer to another local coordinate system. The symmetry or the local coordinates might not be taken into consideration.
Symmetry causes all remaining DOF … to be fixed
The optimisation has reduced nearly all material which is not a fixation or part of the symmetry plane. All remaining elements are fixated. The applied force might be too small in comparison to the stress goal which ensures the reduction of almost all the material. Please reconsider your model set up.
Low memory, reducing preallocation amount … attempts left.
Memory storage is checked. If not enough memory is available, less memory storage is checked. If there isn’t enough memory storage available to do the allocation an Error (Eb20f3210) will be occur.
Time estimation has become inconsistent, expect inaccuracies.
For Restarts and Two-Stage Optimisations the time estimation is inaccurat.
Solving matrix … via extern solver … failed.
Using CPU solver only
Error detecting available memory / low available memory … GB
There are two possible reasons for this warning:
The available memory cannot be detected because of the operating system.
There isn’t even enough memory available to let the optimisation start.
Make sure that there is more memory available or reduce the complexity.
… Projected memory requirement exceeds available memory - complexity … is too high. Theoretical limit: complexity … recommended: …
This is a feasibility check regarding the input complexity value. The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended.
… Optimization will likely run out of memory - available … GB, projected need … absolute maximum … recommended maximum …
This is a feasibility check regarding the input complexity value. The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended.
Retained volumes occupy a significant portion of design space … volume 50% which increases the calculation time as well as the needed memory. Please reduce the complexity to reduce the calculation time and memory. Retained volumes will occupy about … GB of memory with current settings.
Unable to compute centroid for geometry … using bounding box center instead
A “corrupt” STL/PLY file was supplied for a Mask named in the warning text. Depending on other mask settings (whether the surface is to be used / filled), different centroids / centers of gravity are computed. This warning indicates all those attempts have failed and instead the bounding box center is used.
This can happen if the input has degenerate triangles or is not a closed surface. Please check the input files or replace these if possible.
boundary condition is dislodged - no active elements …
A boundary condition was disconnected. A reconnect and other connection strategies were unsuccessful. Please check you model set up and make some adjustments for a feasible model.
License feature(s) have become invalid, checking out again in … seconds.
They will be checked out again in … seconds.
event … has no connected boundary conditions.
The Event … has no connected boundary conditions. The Event will be ignored from now on.
geometry … is not used by anything
The geometry … is not used by anything in the configuration file and will not be considered in the optimisation.
coordinate system … is not used by anything
The defined coordinate system … is not used by anything in the configuration file and will not be considered in the optimisation.
Missing density for space … setting to …
The density is set to the value listed in the warning message.
Config entry 'calculationType' is deprecated, please use 'shapeQuality' instead.
Config entry 'designType' is deprecated, please use 'strutDensity' instead.
fullPivHouseholderQr failed, attempting next solver
Different methods for solving FE equation systems are being used. This one did not work so continuing to the next method.
colPivHouseholderQr failed, attempting next solver
Different methods for solving FE equation systems are being used. This one did not work so continuing to the next method.
completeOrthogonalDecomposition failed, attempting next solver
Different methods for solving FE equation systems are being used. This one did not work so continuing to the next method.
CG failed
Different methods for solving FE equation systems are being used. This one did not work so continuing to the next method.
Build space geometry is not also design
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. The defined build space geometry is not defined as the design geometry. Therefore, the geometry needed for the intersection is not available and thus no intersection geometry is available. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Geometry … is not used by anything
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. A geometry is not used in the optimisation. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Failure criterion … is not used by anything
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. The Failure Criterion is not used in the optimisation. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Material is not valid. Condition 1 failed for Isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 2 failed for Isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 1 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 2 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 3 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 4 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 6 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 5 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 7 failed for transversal isotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 1 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 2 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 3 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 4 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 5 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 6 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 7 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 8 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 9 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 10 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 11 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 12 failed for orthotropic material …
Material is not valid. Condition 13 failed for orthotropic material …
The configuration file entry 'solverMaxMemory' is deprecated, please use 'complexity' instead.
Unfeasible FEM setup: Insufficient … fixed DOF.
Make sure that the model is appropriately fixated. A fixation needs to be applied in every global coordinate direction.
Implausible FEM setup: No free DOF.
The whole Design Space is fixated so no material will be reduced.
Implausible FEM setup: Fixation space is poorly conditioned.
Make sure that the model is appropriately fixated. A fixation needs to be applied in every global coordinate direction.
Unfeasible FEM setup: Missing fixation in one or more directions.
Make sure that the model is appropriately fixated. A fixation needs to be applied in every global coordinate direction.
Smoothening of Isosurface data not available for …
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
Intermittent file system error …
The relocation of a file did not work. The simulation will continue.
Finalizing file << fn.u8string << failed
The relocation of several files did not work.
Unused config entry …
The command is incorrect or was deprecated and will be not be considered in the optimization.
Resolution … and complexity … specified together - ignoring complexity.
The resolution command is higher prioritised and outweighs the Complexity input.
Failure criterion Von Mises is not valid. The Tensile Strength is lower or equal zero for material …
Please change the material values according to the valid material conditions.
Failure criterion Tsai Wu is not valid. One value is lower or equal zero for material …
Please change the material values according to the valid material conditions.
Failure criterion Tsai Wu is not valid. One value is lower or equal zero, or for Fxy, F_yz and F_zx not between -1 and 1 for material …
Please change the material values according to the valid material conditions.
Failure criterion Tsai Hill is not valid. One value is lower or equal zero for material …
Please change the material values according to the valid material conditions.
Failure criterion Tsai Hill is not valid. One value is lower or equal zero for material …
Please change the material values according to the valid material conditions.
Adding autogenerated interface for boundary condition …
An Interface was not created for one or more boundary condition faces. For these faces an Interface was automatically generated to guarantee a satisfying result.
This will happen for every displacement constraint because the interface surface and the constraint surface do not have to be the same.
Some events are missing preserved fixations, attempting to compensate by setting preserve on …
The optimisation will continue to run with the changes mentioned above. If these changes are not representing the model set up you anticipated, please adjust your model set up in the “Keep Non-Design Spaces” panel.
Some events are missing fixations.
Adjust your model set up so that every Event has fixations in all three main directions (or local coordinate systems main direction) included.
This Error is only produced after another Error was encountered. The optimisation algorithm tried to continue despite the previous Error but could not continue. The optimisation fails with this Error although the primary Error is the reason for the terminated optimisation.
Projected memory requirement exceeds available memory - complexity … (detail …) is too high. Theoretical limit: complexity … (detail …), recommended: complexity … (detail …)
The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended. Have a look here.
boundary condition is missing elements
A Non-Design Space was removed and the applied boundary conditions are not considered
The Design Space has lost the connection to the force/constraint application point. The model is no longer complete and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.
Make sure that the Keep Non Design function is activated. Increase the Complexity or increase the Safety Factor.
Missing config entry …
The configuration file is missing an entry or command. Please check your entries in the Advanced User Settings or if you are using the Command Line Optimisation please check the Configuration File. You can find all commands for the Advanced User Settings here and the Configuration File here.
Unable to resolve input file name statistics.csv
This may occur if an optimisation is started with Advanced User Settings with which only 1 or 2 iterations should be calculated. If this is the case please add the following Advanced User Settings commands:
schedule.level.3.subiterations.~.outputMode.OutputGeneratedSurface |
unexpected error loading file statistics.csv: Unable to open input file
This may occur if an optimisation is started with Advanced User Settings with which only 1 or 2 iterations should be calculated. How to resolve this here.
schedule.level.3.subiterations.~.outputMode.OutputGeneratedSurface |
unexpected error writing file file_name.ply:
One of the result files cannot be written. This can happen while using parallelization (default). This can be resolved by adding following Advanced User Settings commands:
process.workers = 1 |
Unable to open file … for writing
There are no privileges to access a file which is needed. Please check where the project folder is placed in which all the results are written. Network drives and cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive) are not recommended.
supportReductionIntensity … is out of bounds 0-10.
Please adjust the Intensity value of the Support Reduction according to the boundaries.
invalid supportReductionMode … expected off, passive, reactive or active.
Please set the Support Reduction Mode to one of the supported modes.
missing / incompatible strutDensity setting for use with support avoidance.
If you are using the Support Reduction, you need to define a Strut Density.
Permanently shutting down soft symmetry because all dimensions have become unsalvagably asymmetric.
LicenseConstraintException failed to acquire … count … instances of … feature
A license for the GD Engine and/or the GPU calculation couldn’t be acquiered. Please check your licenses.
GPU Solving CUDA Solver Warnings & Errors
No operational GPU found for solving input (insufficient free memory).
Check the memory status of your GPU and terminate other programs that might affect the GPU memory.
Error Closing worker thread socket.
CUDA Solver is terminated although the optimisation is still running.
The optimisation will continue and fall back to local CPU solving.
Check the status of your CUDA Solver.
Please contact MSC Apex Support.
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