Mission Switch - FE-Verification - Jet Engine Bracket

Mission Switch - FE-Verification - Jet Engine Bracket


Relevant data for this tutorial:

Jet Engine Bracket Tutorial

Step 1: Transfer Design Candidate & Map LBCs and Material

For this Tutorial the Jet Engine Bracket project is used.

For a Retransition to a NURBS-Geometry a non-intersected optimisation result is needed. Therefore, the Smooth-Geometry from the Post Processing can be used. Go to the options of the “Transfer Design Candidate to pre processing” Button and activate the option “Map LBCs and Material”. Then press the button to start the process.


The success of the transition and the mapping of the Loads & Boundary Conditions (LBCs) can be checked in the Map LBC tab. All newly created LBCs and their status are listed. If a LBC was not created successfully, the LBC can be manually adjusted by double clicking on the LBC.

With the green checkmark the mapping can be confirmed:


Step 2: Switch to Nastran mission

Go to Options->Missions->Nastran
The Interface will change from Pre-Processing Generative Design to Pre-Processing Nastran.


The GD-objects are hidden, but still available after going back to the Generative Design Mission. This allows a seamless transition between the verification of the model and the generation of new Designs without building up the model multiple times or handling different files for the same model.

Step 3: Meshing

The optimised geometry needs to be meshed with a tetrahedral mesh for the reanalysis. For the Jet Engine Bracket a quadratic element with a mesh size of 3 mm is chosen.


(Step 4: Check the material coordinate system orientation)

Optional: If you have used anisotropic material behaviour, please check if the used material coordinate system is orientated correctly. If you have changed the build direction in MSC Apex GD in the studies tab, the material orientation must be adjusted manually!

Step 5: Set up the static scenario

In the studies tab the static analysis scenario can be set up. Therefore, the model representation needs to be linked to the optimised geometry. Under Loads & Constraints the Events can be set up.

The scenario can also be expanded to include loads and functionalities unavailable in MSC Apex Generative Design to verify the Design regarding these conditions.

Start the analysis and verify the results!


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