Features & Functionalities:
Facet-to-Nurbs workflow connection from post to Nurbs generation
Interface Tool Enhancement
Usability Enhancements:
Part 1:
change default tessellation tolerance to fine
Highlight LBCs for selected event (from study tree or LBC table)
Avoid immediate update for single LBC change in LBC table
Add a new ODM button to control design space’s visibility. Off by Default and will be On in GDC tool
Part 2:
Add new “keep current” option for Design Space Tool
Find active Scenario and directly set in analysis scenario
Add context menu for item in GDC tool and allow user to select this item to “remove selection”
Scenario and event rename
Part 3:
change default picking filter to “face” for GD
LBC show/hide will sync Design Space’s mirror LBC visibility as well
Experimental Feature:
Support Avoidance
Custom Tools:
Nurbs Process Tool
Queue Tool
New surface meshing of the results - reduced memory size of result files, faster