Event specific stress constraints realize the setup of different optimization targets for each event. Either an overall stress goal can be set for the optimization, event specific stress constraints or just one (two, …) event sprecific stress constraints and the other events take the overall stress goal into consideration. This way different prioritisations of events can be realized e.g. to integrate overload events which should not be taken into considerations such as the normal loads.
The left image shows the starting point of this example. The part is loaded with two events that have the same stress goals and the same forces. In the second image, the stress target of one event is halved and the forces are doubled. Because of this change one half of the structure is considerably thicker as the other side of the structure - because higher forces and a consierably lower stress goal is applied. The third image shows the result whenin one event the forces as well as the stresses are doubled. As expected this has no influence on the structure and it is the same structure as in the first one. The duplication of both the forces and the stress cancel each other out.