Installation of the program (GUI):
- Drag the installation file to the desktop and execute it
- Follow the installation instructions
- Enter C:\AMendate as the target directory.
- In the component selection, choose
- Runtime and
- visualizer
- Runtime and
- Open the 3d-Visualizer.exe.
Enter the product key:
- To start an optimization, the product key must be entered as the last step.
- Navigate to the program folder C:\AMendate\3D-Visualizer_Data\StreamingAssets\AMendate\bin.
- Open the program AMOpti.exe and accept the general terms and conditions with a "y".
- In the next step, enter the license key you received from AMendate.
- Open 3D-Visualizer.exe. Now you can build and start your optimizations.
- In some cases the program has to be run as administrator, we are still working on that
Storage location of optimization results
- The optimization data is stored in the working folder, which can be specified in the start menu.
Installation Server
Installation AMOpti for current user
AMOpti --activate #Follow the instructions and enter your license key Please confirm that you have read and accepted our terms of use for the software! [y / n] y Please enter product key (example:"U9MM-4NJ5-QFG8-TWM5-QM75-92YI-NETA") U9MM-4NJ5-QFG8-TWM5-QM75-92YI-NETA To activate product key for all users you need root privileges. Do you want to try this? [y/n] n #The activation is executed for the current user!
Installation AMOpti for all users
sudo AMOpti --activate #Follow the instructions and enter your license key Please confirm that you have read and accepted our terms of use for the software! [y / n] y Please enter product key (example:"U9MM-4NJ5-QFG8-TWM5-QM75-92YI-NETA") U9MM-4NJ5-QFG8-TWM5-QM75-92YI-NETA To activate product key for all users you need root privileges. Do you want to try this? [y/n] y #The activation is executed for all users!
Start CUDA for all GPU's
# CudaPCGSolverDouble.... [port] CudaPCGSolverDouble_cuda_10-0_gcc_8-2-1 1234
Start CUDAÂ on a specific device
# CudaPCGSolverDouble.... [port] [device] CudaPCGSolverDouble_cuda_10-0_gcc_8-2-1 1234 1
Start AMOpti: navigate into the project folder and start the optimization
Use the Help for more Options
AMOpti --help [OPTION] -h --help list this -a --activate activate the licenese -d --deactivate deactivate the licenese -de --deactivateAndEraseKey erase the key and deactivate the licenese -e --example simple example without config file -p --performance start a performance check -nk --newKey enter new key -gt --geometryTools start geometry tools -io --inputAndOutputDirectory [inDirectory] [outDirectory] set specific directory for input and output -wd [inDirectory] --workDirectory [inDirectory] set specific directory for input -s [port] --server [port] starting server for GUI [Path to config File] use this file for configuration [nothing] look for endings "iAMOpti", "AMOpti" or "amd" in working directory
AMOpti.exe on Windows: (currently still to be seen as a collection of notes!)
Start optimization:
- Open working folder
- //shift + right mouse button → open powershell
start powershell as admin
To make it work:
- Start compatibility mode for Windows 8
- Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017
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