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The configuration file constains all information necessary for the algorithm to run through the optimization. It is subdivided into different areas according to the information these areas include: Geometry, Loads and Constraints, Cases (Events), Optimization, FEMConfig, ImportConfig and Advanced User Settings.

In addition to the .config file, all files relevant for the optimization (geometries as .stls) must be saved in one folder.

Based on the geometry data and the .config file, the algorithm can run fully autonomous and generate the result files in one subfolder each time it is started in the main folder.


In the Geometry section, the different roles of the geometries for the optimzation are defined. For each geometry used in the optimization (stl file), either a space or a cell must be existing. A space can get additional information regarding the material whereas cells are only used as markers to define certain areas of the space.


Space Spacename

Each object is given a unique name Spacename.

.path = Design

The path is the name of the file. The file name can be passed completely, or the short version for .stls generated by SolidWorks.

.material = Stahl

User-defined material name. This will not be used any further in the optimization process.

.E-Modul = 210e3

Young's Modulus according to the unit scheme used (here MPa).

.Poisson = 0.33

Poisson's ratio.

.density = 7.9e+3

Density of the material.


Mask Maskname

Each object is given a unique name Maskname.

.path = Non_Design_Region_1

The path is the name of the file.


Defines the mask as a Non-Design Region



The mask represents a surface.


The mask cannot be removed during the optimization and will keep a connection to the

More information regarding the difference between a space and mask here.

Loads and Constraints

The Loads and Constraints section collects all information regarding the loads and fixations applied to the different masks.

Load Force_-_Moment_1

A force is marked with the word "Load" and additionally gets a name. 

Moment Force_-_Moment_2

A moment is marked with the word "Moment" and additionally gets a name.

Acceleration Apply_gravity_1

.space =

An acceleration is marked with the word "Acceleration" and additionally gets a name.

The acceleration is always applied to the whole Design space.

Pressure Pressure_1

A pressure load is marked with the word "Pressure" and additionally gets a name.

Displacement Constraint_1

A fixation is marked with the word "Displacement" and additionally gets a name (dis1).

For fixations, the degree of freedom (x, y, z) is subsequently defined by a prescribed displacment of 0.

.mask = Maskname

The mask affected by the boundary condition (Maskname) is selected

.x =

Boundary condition in x-direction

.y =

Boundary condition in y-direction.

.z =

Boundary condition in z-direction.


The previously defined loads and fixations are combined into Events (load cases).

Case Event_1.Force_-_Moment1

Case Event_1.Constraint_1

The Event is marked with the word "Case" and additionally gets a name.

The conditions are listed directly after the name distinguished by “.”


In this section the optimization parameters are entered.

optimizeSpace =

Definition of the design space.

startSpace =

If you have added a Startspace via the Advanced User Settings you can find it here.

strutDensity =




Determine the style of the result structure.

More information here

shapeQuality =




Selection of the number of iterations being calculated.

More information here





Connection to the solver.

External CudaSolver.

CG Uses an integrated conjugated gradient solver.


IP of the external solver, localhost for the same workstation. IP for cloud, for what the matrix is built locally and sent to the calculation unit. Large amounts of data can be moved with a corresponding amount of time.


Port which is used to access the CudaSolver. This can be selected arbitrarily, according to the specified value when starting the solver.


Number of threads that can be used to build the matrix. At least two cores should always remain free.


Defines how complex the design is getting. More information here.


Maximum number of GPUs used by the optimization (support GPUs: Nvidia Quadro Graphics Cards supported by CUDA Driver)



Detail refers to the edge length of the FEM elements and can either be calculated automatically depending on the "complexity" or set manually. In the case of a defective stl file, the detail should be set manually, since the calculation of the volume has an error and the automatic estimation cannot take place. A reduction of the detail by half results in an 8-times change of the calculation time.


The following output files can be selected.

Default export settings




Generates file containing stress and displacement, if activated (combined file for all Events)


Result geometry

Additional export options: Stresses


Stresses: ply in color


Stresses: ply values for nodes


Stresses: ply values for nodes in binaray format


Stresses: mrc values for nodes


Stresses: ply values for facets


Save csv File stress and Displacement (each for loadcase)

Additional export options: Displacements


Displacements: ply in colour


Displacements: ply values for nodes


Displacements: ply values for nodes in binaray format


Displacements: ply values for facets

Additional export options: Result Geometry



suit of csv files for knots loads and reaction visualization 


smoothed not intersected geometry is written out

Advanced User Settings

Have a look at the Advanced User Settings

Using the expert settings, you can change the resolution and switch between the individual resolution levels to influence the result. These settings overwrite the selection of the DesignType (normal, filigree, massive), as they are only default settings for the ones described here. These should not be accessible via standard GUI, but maybe with an additional text editor inside the GUI.

When choosing a startSpace, these settings should be made to reduce the computational effort even more. The "coarser" resolution levels can thus be skipped and it can be started directly with a finer level (Level 1 or even Level 0). It is important that both level definitions are consistent.

Influencing the design



Starting with iteration 58, elements are either added or removed and only every second iteration is saved. This is important for the iterations near to the end of the optimization.






Specify how many iterations are calculated at which resolution level. Note that convergence should be achieved at each level.

Default settings normal: 20, 20, 20, 10

Default settings massive: 16, 40, 4, 4

Default settings filigree: 10, 10, 40, 10






The percentage at which the target stress is reached is set.

Default settings normal: 30, 40, 90, 100

Default settings massive: 60, 90, 95, 100

Default settings filigree: 10, 25, 50, 100

Symmetry Settings

This is an unsupported feature in MSC Apex Generative Design 2020 FP1. Please find more information here.




x-axis as symmetry plane (Y-Z-Plane).

y-axis as symmetry plane (X-Z-Plane).

z-axis as symmetry plane (X-Y-Plane).

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