Apex Generative Design is a design generator. Thus, to verify the results a reanalysis with a high precisly FE-Analysis Tool as Apex (Nastran) should be done after deciding on a design. We recommend a reanalysis for all critical parts to include the relevant boundary & overload conditions that aren’t taken into account during an optimization.
The workflow to get from the generated design to the FE-Analysis can be devided into the following steps:
The final generative designed part can be exported directly inside the post processing as a STL-file. We recommend exporting a binary STL-file.
The exported file can be reimported into the same Apex Generative Design project created for the optimization.
Please check your Geometry Import/Export settings. A Feature and Vertex angle of 40 degrees is a good value and should be activated if this isn’t already the default value.To verify the generative designed part an intersection is needed. The intersected part can be exported as a Parasolid file (.x_b or .x_t). Further information about the intersection here.
The Parasolid-file can subsequently be imported to MSC Apex Jaguar.
Sometimes the imported solid has some manifold faces which must be deleted before continuring with the overall workflow.
By hovering over the part the faces are visible. With the Geometry Tools - Add/Remove Vertex the unnessesary edges can be deleted (right mouse button - delete on the green edge - multiple selection possible).The cleaned part can be meshed with tet-elements. Usually the generative designs are very complex and need a lot of elements for a good approximation. The reanalysis model can be set-up next.
The Boundary conditons are applied on the intersected surface. After the model set-up a FE-Reanalysis can be carried out. The results can be viewed in post processing.
For comparable stress results between MSC Apex Generative Design and Apex Nastran all loading and fixation conditions need to be set up identically which is often quite difficult.
A Tutorial for a FE-Reanalysis coming soon!