To start an optimization either a geometry can be imported or created with the Apex Modeler. In the following the geometry generation for the Bookshelf with the Apex Modeler is explained step by step:
With the Geometry Create Tools many different sketching tools can be selected. To create the design space for the generative design Bookshelf the polyline tool is needed. To create a sketch a plane (in this case y- z-plane) must be selected.
After selecting the plane a part inside the model tree is created automatically
On the right side options for the polyline sketching tool can be set up (e.g. grid size)
With the polyline tool the following sketch is done
After finishing the sketch, the tool can be closed
The sketch automatically converts into a surface
With the Push/Pull tool a 3D geometry is generated
In this case the surface is pulled by 150 mm
To create void spaces another sketch is needed
Therefore the center point circle tool is chosen from the sketching tools and the the surface of the 3D geometry as the new sketching plane
Three circels are created with a radius of 5 mm
After closing the tool three new surfaces are created
With the Push/Pull tool the surfaces are selected and pushed completly through the 3D geometry
This results in holes inside the geometry which are void spaces
To create bolts for the fixation of the bookshelf the void spaces are used as a starting point. They are extended using a new sketch on the same plane with slightly bigger circles with a radius of 8 mm
This time the new created surfaces are pushed only 130 mm inside the geometry
This creates sections which can be later used as nondesign spaces
Another option to create void spaces is to generate new solids and to subtract them with a boolean operation from the already existing solid
Finally the Design space for a Bookshelf is created and the optimization model setup can start which is discribed here.