Copy the self-extracting archive (.exe) file to a temporary subdirectory with enough disk space
Double-click on the installer and follow the prompts
If you are installing localized localised documentation files, install them after you have installed the MSC Apex executable
Select the MSC Apex Generative Design Studio if you want to install the Graphical User Interface
If you want to use the Computer as Remote Solver choose MSC Apex Generative Design Engine (Remote)
More Information to Remote solving here
If you want to use GPU solving, you have to select the GPU Solver Service
More Information to GPU solving here
Select your license server or your local license-file
Select your IP Address and choose a Port number for your GPU Service (default: 42001)
At the end you can install the MSC Apex Generative Design Documentation to get access to integrated embedded Tutorial videos
Once the Setup program has installed all of the files, it will prompt for the licensing information.
Note that global setting of license servers (by explicitly defining the MSC_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for your computer) supersedes the license setting done by MSC Apex Generative Design during installation.
The MSC Licensing Helium software can be donwloaded in the Solutions Download Center to solve licensing issues. For more information regarding licensing and how to use MSC Licensing Helium, please see the MSC Licensing 11.13 User’s Guide.
Allowing Installation with Security Software