Carve intersection is disabled. The fallback intersection method will take place instead.
Remeshing failed, mesh was not changed. The optimisation will continue without creating a remesh.
Sewing resolution … exceeds rasterization resolution … adjusting threshold from … to …
MSC Nastran hasn’t found any eigenfrequencies in the given range. The optimisation continues. The first calculated eigenfrequency is much higher than the entered Frequency Constraint.
Smoothing failed, mesh was not changed
The smoothing algorithm failed for this iteration. The optimisation continues.
This Error is only produced after another Error was encountered. The optimisation algorithm tried to continue despite the previous Error but could not continue. The optimisation fails with this Error although the primary Error is the reason for the terminated optimisation.
Projected memory requirement exceeds available memory - complexity … (detail …) is too high. Theoretical limit: complexity … (detail …), recommended: complexity … (detail …)
The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended. Have a look here.
boundary condition is missing elements
A Non-Design Space was removed and the applied boundary conditions are not considered
The Design Space has lost the connection to the force/constraint application point. The model is no longer complete and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.
Make sure that the Keep Non Design function is activated. Increase the Complexity or increase the Safety Factor.
Missing config entry …
The configuration file is missing an entry or command. Please check your entries in the Advanced User Settings or if you are using the Command Line Optimisation please check the Configuration File. You can find all commands for the Advanced User Settings here and the Configuration File here.
unexpected error writing file file_name.ply:
One of the result files cannot be written. This can happen while using parallelization (default). This can be resolved by adding following Advanced User Settings commands:
process.workers = 1
Unable to open file … for writing
There are no privileges to access a file which is needed. Please check where the project folder is placed in which all the results are written. Network drives and cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive) are not recommended.
supportReductionIntensity … is out of bounds 0-10.
Please adjust the Intensity value of the Support Reduction according to the boundaries.
invalid supportReductionMode … expected off, passive, reactive or active.
Please set the Support Reduction Mode to one of the supported modes.
missing / incompatible strutDensity setting for use with support avoidance.
If you are using the Support Reduction, you need to define a Strut Density.
LicenseConstraintException failed to acquire … count … instances of … feature.
A license for the GD Engine and/or the GPU calculation couldn’t be acquiered. Please check your licenses.
Attempted to write a checkpoint on unpaused job.
Restart file could not be written at this point in the optimisation. Please have a look at the prior error code which shows the primary reason for the failed optimisation.
Legacy config format is disabled.
Please export the Scenario again (version 2022.1 or newer) to generate the supported json file format.
Symmetry coordinate systems are deprecated and will be removed in 2022.4 release. Use configuration.principalCoordinateSystem instead.
This can only happen when the configuration file was manually adjusted and a command line optimisation executed. The symmetry coordinate system has been replaced by a general principal coordinate system. Have a look at the Configuration File page for further information.
Given symmetry coordinate system and principal coordinate system conflict.
This can only happen when the configuration file was manually adjusted and a command line optimisation executed. The symmetry coordinate system has been replaced by a general principal coordinate system. Have a look at the Configuration File page for further information.
Fixed … reshaping error(s) - boundary violations … threshold exceeded …
Information message that the algorithm corrected some errors in the file. The optimisation continues as before.
Fractured design space - make sure the model consists of only a single, connected body.
Occurs mainly if no Interface is placed between Design Space and Retained Volume.
point mass … refers to non-existing geometry …
Make sure the point mass refers to a geometry.
Using RBE2 point masses with linear-static analyses is not supported yet
RBE2 isn’t supported for static load cases / events yet. It is supported for frequency load cases / events.
Point masses without position are not supported yet
A point mass has to have a defined position.
Nastran directory could not be created
Please contact the MSC support.
Unable to export Nastran model: Incompatible FEA setup
Please contact the MSC support.
Unable to export Nastran model: not enough data modes
Please contact the MSC support.
NastranExport.h5 formatting error: Path << path << not found in nastran data sets
Please contact the MSC support.
Nastran requires paths to not contain space characters under GNU/Linux
Please do not use space characters in paths under Linux.
symmetry not supported with frequency conditions
The hard symmetry isn’t supported for eigenfrequency optimisations.
Unknown shapeQuality …
The shapeQuality name in the configuration file is unknown.
Please use nast20233(.exe) (or the matching executable for your installed nastran version) for frequency analysis
nast20233w.exe isn’t suitable for the frequency optimisation
failed to execute nastran sub process
For eigenfrequency optimisations MSC Nastran is called in the background. In this case Nastran cannot be executed.
failed to run nastran successfully
For eigenfrequency optimisations MSC Nastran is called in the background. In this case Nastran cannot be executed sucessfully.
mesh conversion from amendate to cgal failed
The smoothing algorithm failed. Please contact MSC support.
galMesh have poligones with more that three vetices
The smoothing algorithm failed. Please contact MSC support
out of bounds
The smoothing algorithm failed. Please contact MSC support
Requested nastran operation but did not specify nastran service. Please set env variable 'EMENDATE_SERVICE_NASTRAN' to point to your nastran binary.
If you want to execute a frequency optimisation directly in the command line, you have to set a environment variable which points to the nast20233.exe
EMENDATE_SERVICE_NASTRAN | C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\MSC_Nastran\2023.2\bin\nast20232.exe |
envName … does not point to a regular file
Please check the environment variable for the MSC Nastran installation
OperatorFailure operator … crashed
A specific operator crashed. Please contact the MSC support.
Cannot inflate geometry with zero vertices
This can occur to a current limitation. Please make sure that a point load or a displacement constraint on a point is not applied at the edge of an interface. Increase the Interface or change the load to a surface instead.
Unfeasible FEM setup: Missing fixation in one or more directions
… design voxels are unreachable by any tool
Some voxel elements cannot be reached by any tool (especially for casting). Please contact the support if this leads to unsatisfying results.
point of application missing for RBE2/RBE3 condition …
There is no point of application set for a boundary condition with a RBE2 / RBE3 element. Make sure a dummy load is created with a force value.
tool … is facing the wrong way with respect to symmetry planes
Hard symmetry is active and one draw direction is normal to the symmetry plane and redundant.
rotational fixation on … ineffective - select tying mode RBE2
Rotational degrees of freedom can be only unconstraint if a RBE2 element is used.
Missed … voxels marked for erosion
Some voxels in the background couldn’t be reached for erosion. Please contact the support if this happens several times.
This Error is only produced after another Error was encountered. The optimisation algorithm tried to continue despite the previous Error but could not continue. The optimisation fails with this Error although the primary Error is the reason for the terminated optimisation.
Projected memory requirement exceeds available memory - complexity … (detail …) is too high. Theoretical limit: complexity … (detail …), recommended: complexity … (detail …)
The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended. Have a look here.
boundary condition is missing elements
A Non-Design Space was removed and the applied boundary conditions are not considered
The Design Space has lost the connection to the force/constraint application point. The model is no longer complete and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.
Make sure that the Keep Non Design function is activated. Increase the Complexity or increase the Safety Factor.
Missing config entry …
The configuration file is missing an entry or command. Please check your entries in the Advanced User Settings or if you are using the Command Line Optimisation please check the Configuration File. You can find all commands for the Advanced User Settings here and the Configuration File here.
unexpected error writing file file_name.ply:
One of the result files cannot be written. This can happen while using parallelization (default). This can be resolved by adding following Advanced User Settings commands:
process.workers = 1 |
Unable to open file … for writing
There are no privileges to access a file which is needed. Please check where the project folder is placed in which all the results are written. Network drives and cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive) are not recommended.
supportReductionIntensity … is out of bounds 0-10.
Please adjust the Intensity value of the Support Reduction according to the boundaries.
invalid supportReductionMode … expected off, passive, reactive or active.
Please set the Support Reduction Mode to one of the supported modes.
missing / incompatible strutDensity setting for use with support avoidance.
If you are using the Support Reduction, you need to define a Strut Density.
LicenseConstraintException failed to acquire … count … instances of … feature.
A license for the GD Engine and/or the GPU calculation couldn’t be acquiered. Please check your licenses.
Attempted to write a checkpoint on unpaused job.
Restart file could not be written at this point in the optimisation. Please have a look at the prior error code which shows the primary reason for the failed optimisation.
Legacy config format is disabled.
Please export the Scenario again (version 2022.1 or newer) to generate the supported json file format.
Symmetry coordinate systems are deprecated and will be removed in 2022.4 release. Use configuration.principalCoordinateSystem instead.
This can only happen when the configuration file was manually adjusted and a command line optimisation executed. The symmetry coordinate system has been replaced by a general principal coordinate system. Have a look at the Configuration File page for further information.
Given symmetry coordinate system and principal coordinate system conflict.
This can only happen when the configuration file was manually adjusted and a command line optimisation executed. The symmetry coordinate system has been replaced by a general principal coordinate system. Have a look at the Configuration File page for further information.
Fixed … reshaping error(s) - boundary violations … threshold exceeded …
Information message that the algorithm corrected some errors in the file. The optimisation continues as before.
Fractured design space - make sure the model consists of only a single, connected body.
Occurs mainly if no Interface is placed between Design Space and Retained Volume.
point mass … refers to non-existing geometry …
Make sure the point mass refers to a geometry.
Using RBE2 point masses with linear-static analyses is not supported yet
RBE2 isn’t supported for static load cases / events yet. It is supported for frequency load cases / events.
Point masses without position are not supported yet
A point mass has to have a defined position.
Nastran directory could not be created
Please contact the MSC support.
Unable to export Nastran model: Incompatible FEA setup
Please contact the MSC support.
Unable to export Nastran model: not enough data modes
Please contact the MSC support.
NastranExport.h5 formatting error: Path << path << not found in nastran data sets
Please contact the MSC support.
Nastran requires paths to not contain space characters under GNU/Linux
Please do not use space characters in paths under Linux.
symmetry not supported with frequency conditions
The hard symmetry isn’t supported for eigenfrequency optimisations.
Unknown shapeQuality …
The shapeQuality name in the configuration file is unknown.
Please use nast20233(.exe) (or the matching executable for your installed nastran version) for frequency analysis
nast20233w.exe isn’t suitable for the frequency optimisation
failed to execute nastran sub process
For eigenfrequency optimisations MSC Nastran is called in the background. In this case Nastran cannot be executed.
failed to run nastran successfully
For eigenfrequency optimisations MSC Nastran is called in the background. In this case Nastran cannot be executed sucessfully.
mesh conversion from amendate to cgal failed
The smoothing algorithm failed. Please contact MSC support.
galMesh have poligones with more that three vetices
The smoothing algorithm failed. Please contact MSC support
out of bounds
The smoothing algorithm failed. Please contact MSC support
Requested nastran operation but did not specify nastran service. Please set env variable 'EMENDATE_SERVICE_NASTRAN' to point to your nastran binary.
If you want to execute a frequency optimisation directly in the command line, you have to set a environment variable which points to the nast20233.exe
EMENDATE_SERVICE_NASTRAN | C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\MSC_Nastran\2023.2\bin\nast20232.exe |
envName … does not point to a regular file
Please check the environment variable for the MSC Nastran installation
OperatorFailure operator … crashed
A specific operator crashed. Please contact the MSC support.
Cannot inflate geometry with zero vertices
This can occur to a current limitation. Please make sure that a point load or a displacement constraint on a point is not applied at the edge of an interface. Increase the Interface or change the load to a surface instead.
Unfeasible FEM setup: Missing fixation in one or more directions
Check the model set-up. All 3 degrees of freedom have to be constraint.
ressure / acceleration loads cannot be tied with RBE2/RBE3
RBE2 / RBE3 can only be used for forces or displacement constraints.
tool … is facing the wrong way with respect to symmetry planes. Make sure all tools draw towards the positive side of all symmetry planes
Hard symmetry is active and one draw direction is normal to the symmetry plane and redundant.
RBE3 tyings cannot support fixations
RBE3 elements do not support displacement constraint. This makes the FE matrix unsolvable.
unable to create temporary directory / file exists in its place …
File system error. Please check the path.
RBE-tied boundary condition is missing nodes
RBE element lost all voxel elements. Please contact the support.
build space DesignSpace_machiningCut does not exist
The Design Space could not be created. Please check the initial geometry for faults. Set the machining allowance of interfaces to a value of 0.
no design space(s) specified
The Design Space could not be created or is not specified in the configuration file. Please check the initial geometry for faults. Set the machining allowance of interfaces to a value of 0.
Start candidate volume far exceeds design volume - check scaling.One reason for a large difference between the volumes is the unit system. Make sure the start space geometry is in SI units and start the optimisation anewscaling.
One reason for a large difference between the volumes is the unit system. Make sure the start space geometry is in SI units and start the optimisation anew.
Invalid RBE2 constellation - overlapping nodes
Several RBE2 elements cannot be applied on the same spot for the same Event. This makes the FE matrix unsolvable.
Insufficient complexity for maxThickness. Suggested minimum complexity is …
For a chosen max. Thickness value the Complexity needs to be high enough to represent the desired structure with enough voxel elements in the background. Please increase the Complexity value or the max. Thickness value.
GPU Solving CUDA Solver Warnings & Errors