Otherwise, reduce the Complexity of your optimisation model (Study Tab).
Unable to meet requested detail level. Minimum level: …
Please contact the MSC Apex Support.
Only … GB free memory.
The system has not enough free memory (RAM) to create the FE-Matrix.
A complexity of … (detail: …) is too high, and also a complexity of … (detail: …) would certainly be too high to pass the first iteration. A complexity of … (detail: …) is recommended.
The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended.
We109f304 is handled as an error
The warning We109f304 causes a stop of the calculation.
Sometimes, this error can prevent an optimisation with a Start Space on the highest resolution level although the optimisation would be possible. Add disable.error.Ee109f304 to the Advanced User Settings to ingnore it.
The Mask … was removed.”
The Design Space has lost the connection to a Non-Design Space on which no boundary conditions are applied (former W8b7af774).
“Start Start space volume is magnitudes bigger than design space. You might want to check start space scaling”scaling.
The Start Space STL-file is in a wrong unit system.
Only the SI-Unit system is supported for a Restart.
“No No fixed knots found.”
The Design Space has lost the connection to one or more of the fixation(s). The model is no longer fixated and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.
“The The … was removed and the applied boundary constraints are not considered”considered
The Design Space has lost the connection to the force/constraint application point. The model is no longer complete and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.