To use the interface you don't need to install anything but start the solver als run the optimization on one or more graphics card(s), Cuda Driver needs to be installed once (further information for Windows and Linux) . After this the solver needs to be started as follows (for Windows: use a Powershell):
- mscgd2019_CUDASolver 1234
- The IP and port must be specified in the configuration file "FEM" (Standard "localhost" and "1234").
- After activating the Cuda Solver, the optimization can be started.
- The solver can be used by several optimizations and doesn't have to be started again for following optimizations.
- If the solver is not active, the error message "Cannot connect to Extern Solver, use CG solver" will appear in the Log file .
Further information for Windows here.
- and the optimization runs only on the CPU.