Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  • The uploaded objects are listed in the objects/surfaces area

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  • Assign a Material to each object/surface and enter the specific values for the Young's Modulus and poisson ratio in the Material Editor

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  • Activate the option design space for the relevant stl file. Only one volume can be selected as such:

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Step 3: Definition of boundary conditions


  • Object "Bridgestreet1" experiences a force of 4000 N in y-direction (Load). The force of the whole bridge is 16.000 N. If you are using the symmetry option, the force must be adjusted to the calculation model. If only a quarter of the component is calculated (symmetry along the x and z axis), the force must also be quartered. The example already considers this restriction.

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Fixation1Bridgepillar11x, y, z (=0)
Fixation2Bridgepillar21x, y, z (=0)
Fixation3Bridgepillar31x, y, z (=0)
Fixation4Bridgepillar41x, y, z (=0)

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  • A total of 1 force and 4 fixations should have been created as a result


  • Active in Loadcase1: Force, Fixation1, Fixation2, Fixation3 and Fixation4

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Step 4: Definition of optimization parameters
