In a first step, you need to create a new project. All data (geometry and configuration) directly will be copied and saved in a new project-folder, located in your workspace:
- Open the Start AMendate program.
- Create a new project using the symbol
Go to the boundary conditions tab to enter the loads and fixations as follows. For each boundary condition a name, a space and the specification of the boundary condition is entered as follows:
Name | Object | Direction | Value in N |
Force | Bridgestreet1 | y | 4000 |
- Object "nonDesign_Decke1Bridgestreet1" experiences a force of 4000 N in y-direction (Load). The force of the whole bridge is 16.000 N. If you are using the symmetry option, the force must be adjusted to the calculation model. If only a quarter of the component is calculated (symmetry along the x and z axis), the force must also be quartered. The example already considers this restriction.
Name | Object | Direction |
Fixation1 | Bridgepillar11 | x, y, z (=0) |
Fixation2 | Bridgepillar21 | x, y, z (=0) |
Fixation3 | Bridgepillar31 | x, y, z (=0) |
Fixation4 | Bridgepillar41 | x, y, z (=0) |
- A total of 1 force and 4 fixations should have been created as a result.
All boundary conditions are assigned to the load case. The number of load cases can be changed using the "+" or "-" characters. The assignment of the boundaries to the load cases can be made in the boundary conditions or load cases area by selecting the different boundary conditions while the load case is activated.
- Active in load case 1: Displ1Force, Displ2Fixation1, Displ3Fixation2, Displ4 Fixation3 and LoadFixation4
Step 4: Definition of optimization parameters