- Start AMendate
- Create a new project
- Enter a projectname and save the project
- Open the newly created project
Go to the boundary conditions tab to enter the loads and fixations as follows
- Objects "interface1L" and "interface1R" each experience a force of 18904 N in x-direction (conditions 1L, conditions1R).
- Objects "interface1L" and "interface1R" each experience a force of 17792 hand_zu force: Object "hand1" experiences a force of -200 N in y-direction.
- hand_auf force: Object "hand1" experiences a force of 200 N in y-direction.
- 0_bolzen force: Object "bolzen1" experiences a force of -5000 N in y-direction (conditions 2L, conditions2R).Objects
- "interface1L" and "interface1R" each experience 45_bolzen force: Object "bolzen1" experiences a force of 15701 -3000 N in x-direction and 14137 -3000 N in y-direction (conditions 3L, conditions3R).Objects "interface1L" and "interface1R" each experience
- 45_bolzen force: Object "bolzen1" experiences a force of 19483 -3000 N in x-direction (conditions 4L, conditions4R).
- dis_0L, dis_0R, dis_45L, dis_45R, dis_90L and dis_90R Fixation: Objects "interface2", "interface3", "interface4" and "interface5"grad_0_L1", "grad_0_R1", "grad_45_L1", "grad_45_R1", "grad_90_L1" and "grad_90_R1" are all fixed in x-, y- and z-direction (=0) (dis1, dis2, dis3, dis4).
- A total of 8 5 forces and 4 6 fixations should have been created as a result.
All boundary conditions are assigned to the load cases. The number of load cases can be changed using the "+" or "-" characters. The assignment of the boundaries to the load cases can be made in the boundary conditions or load cases area.
- Active in load case 1: dis1, dis2, dis3, dis4, conditions4L and conditions4Rhand_zu, 0_bolzen, dis_0L and dis_0R
- Active in load case 2: dis1, dis2, dis3, dis4, conditions1L and conditions1Rhand_zu, 45_bolzen, dis_45L and dis_45R
- Active in load case 3: dis1, dis2, dis3, dis4, conditions2L and conditions2R
- hand_zu, 90_bolzen, dis_90L and dis_90R
- Active in load case 4: hand_auf, 0_bolzen, dis_0L and dis_0R
- Active in load case 45: dis1, dis2, dis3, dis4, conditions3L and conditions3R
- hand_auf, 45_bolzen, dis_45L and dis_45R
- Active in load case 6: hand_auf, 90_bolzen, dis_90L and dis_90R
Step 4: Definition of optimization parameters
- Choose the design type normal.
- Enter the optimization goal stress: 600 50 MPa
All Inputs can be viewed and checked in the configuration file. The file should look like this.
Step 5: Save the project
Step 6: Starting the optimization and visualizing the results
If all data are correct, the optimzation can be started and tracked in the results area.
All result iterations are displayed as soon as they are available. The progress of the optimization can also be monitored via the AMendate log file. Furtheremore you are able to stop the optimization in this selection area. A restart however is not possible without further expert settings.
The optimization is finished after 64 iterations (optimizationtype: optimizing).
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- Introductory Optimization - Jet-Enigne-Bracket
- Introductory Optimization - Hook
- Introductory Optimization - Pedal
- Symmetrical Optimization - Bridge