Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Here you can change the name and select the material.
  • The material database can be extended with specific material properties via the gear next to the material field.
  • For exactly one volume, the assignment must be defined as a design areaspace. Several design areas spaces within a model are not possible, even though the volume of the design area space may be shaped as complex as desired.



An analysis of the design area space is carried out.

Further settings can be made in the FEM area:


export_stl_name_MC_SmoothResult geometry: stl with MarchingCube smoothing algorithms
export_stl_name_MC_Smooth_intersectionThe optimization result is intersected with the design area space in each iteration on a voxel basis
export_all_allCasesEach defined export will be exported per loadcase
export_ply_name_Stress_RGBStresses: ply in color
export_ply_name_StressStresses: ply values for nodes
export_mrc_name_StressStresses: mrc values for nodes
export_ply_name_Stress_PropStresses: ply values for facets
export_ply_name_Dis_RGBDisplacements: ply in colour
export_ply_name_DisDisplacements: ply values for nodes
export_ply_name_Dis_PropDisplacements: ply values for facets

Result Geometry


intersectionDetail =

The current optimization result is intersected with the design area space on a voxel basis in each iteration.

0...3 Setting the resolution on the basis of which the intersection is performed. A good value here is 2.

  • Definition of design type, calculation type, optimization goal and symmetry
  • Definition of output files



For the analysis of an object, the model generation is carried out exactly as for an optimization. All required files (Design/NondesignspaceNondesign space) are imported and the corresponding boundary conditions and load cases are created. The object to be analyzed must be activated as a design area in the Objects/Surfaces area.
