You can find Warning & Error codes displayed in the Studies tab by double clicking on the Generative Design Status or in the log files in the result folder in your workspace (log_error.log & log_warning.log).
This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving. To use GPU Solving an additional license is necessary. Please check your licenses in Options → License Manager or deactivate GPU solving in the Options → Application Settings - Generative Design Solver.
Time estimation has become inconsistent, expect inaccuracies.
For Restarts and Two-Stage Optimisations the time estimation is inaccurate.
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. The defined build space geometry is not defined as the design geometry. Therefore, the geometry needed for the intersection is not available and thus no intersection geometry is available. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Geometry … is not used by anything
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. A geometry is not used in the optimisation. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Failure criterion … is not used by anything
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. The Failure Criterion is not used in the optimisation. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Material is not valid. Condition 1 failed for Isotropic material …
Using RBE2 point masses with linear-static analyses analysis is not supported yet
RBE2 isn’t supported for static load cases / events yet. It is supported for frequency load cases / events.
Check the model set-up. All 3 degrees of freedom have to be constraint.
ressure pressure / acceleration loads cannot be tied with RBE2/RBE3