This is an information regarding the usage of GPU solving. To use GPU Solving an additional license is necessary. Please check your licenses in Options → License Manager or deactivate GPU solving in the Options → Application Settings - Generative Design Solver.
Time estimation has become inconsistent, expect inaccuracies.
For Restarts and Two-Stage Optimisations the time estimation is inaccurate.
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. The defined build space geometry is not defined as the design geometry. Therefore, the geometry needed for the intersection is not available and thus no intersection geometry is available. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Geometry … is not used by anything
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. A geometry is not used in the optimisation. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Failure criterion … is not used by anything
This might occur while performing a Command Line optimisation. The Failure Criterion is not used in the optimisation. Please adjust the Configuration File.
Material is not valid. Condition 1 failed for Isotropic material …
The resolution command is higher prioritised and outweighs the Complexity input.
Failure criterion Von Mises is not valid. The Tensile Strength is lower or equal zero for material …
The chosen complexity value is too high to be calculated on this machine. A certain maximum complexity value is recommended. Have a look here.
boundary condition is missing elements
A Non-Design Space was removed and the applied boundary conditions are not considered
The Design Space has lost the connection to the force/constraint application point. The model is no longer complete and it doesn’t make sense to continue with the optimisation.
Make sure that the Keep Non Design function is activated. Increase the Complexity or increase the Safety Factor.
The configuration file is missing an entry or command. Please check your entries in the Advanced User Settings or if you are using the Command Line Optimisation please check the Configuration File. You can find all commands for the Advanced User Settings here and the Configuration File here.
unexpected error loading file statistics.csv: Unable to open input file
This may occur if an optimisation is started with Advanced User Settings with which only 1 or 2 iterations should be calculated. How to resolve this here.
One of the result files cannot be written. This can happen while using parallelization (default). This can be resolved by adding following Advanced User Settings commands:
process.workers = 1 |
Please adjust the Intensity value of the Support Reduction according to the boundaries.
invalid supportReductionMode … expected off, passive, reactive or active.
Please set the Support Reduction Mode to one of the supported modes.
missing / incompatible strutDensity setting for use with support avoidance.
If you are using the Support Reduction, you need to define a Strut Density.
Permanently shutting down soft symmetry because all dimensions have become unsalvagably asymmetric.
Fractured design space - make sure the model consists of only a single, connected body.
Occurs mainly if no Interface is placed between Design Space and Retained Volume.
Supervoxel downsampling caused … material collision(s)
RBE-tied boundary condition is missing nodes
Material connected to a RBE-Element is missing. This can occur if the fixations based on a RBE2 are free to be reduced. Disable the reduce fixation points function. This is a known limitations and will be fixed with the next version.
GPU Solving CUDA Solver Warnings & Errors
Check the memory status of your GPU and terminate other programs that might affect the GPU memory.
Error Closing worker thread socket.