Create the material in the Materials editor and assign it to the Design Space
Assuming the part should be printed with a Manufacturing Method like FFF, a Transversely Isotropic material is applied. The z-axis of the PCS is always the build direction ( * ) and differs from the two in-plane directions y and x. The values for the materials have to be entered accordingly. For the input the main axis (1-2-3) are used which are equal to (z-y-x).
The specific values needed are the Young's Modulus in build direction (E1) (1700 MPa) and in in-plane direction (E2) (1900 MPa), the Shear Modulus (G12) (730 MPa) and the Poisson ratio (0.3) for xy (NU23) and (0.39) for yz (NU12). The density is set to 0.9e-6 kg/mm3.
As the last input the material limits should be entered. Which of these are required depends on the optimisation intention and the chosen Failure Criterion. In this case we want to take advantage of the directional dependent material limits as well as different limits for tension and compression (directional dependent Tsai-Wu).
These values are optional, if a different Failure Criterion is selected, less material input is required
Interfaces have to be created for every functional surface - so every surface where a boundary condition is applied to. With this Tool an offset to the inside with the input “Non-Design Space Thickness” and an offset to the outside with the input “Machining Allowance” is created. The Offset Distance is expanding the Interface to the set value to create material on front faces.