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Goal of this Tutorial
Relevant data for this tutorial:
Step 1: Reimport your already optimised geometry
The optimised geometry can be reimported into a new project or into the already existing optimisation project. For this Tutorial the project of the Jet Engine Bracket is used.
For a Retransition to a NURBS-Geometry a non-intersected optimisation result is needed. Therefore, the Smooth-Geometry from the Post Processing should be exported can be transferred to the model tree. The geometry of this file stays always inside the Design Spaces limits except of the Non-Design Interface areas, they intentionally exceed the Design Space limits to enable an easy and clean Boolean Intersection.
After importing transferring the Smooth-Geometry STL-file from the Post Processing to the model tree the optimisation result is displayed as a Faceted Solid inside the model tree.
Step 2: Mesh to CAD
With the Facet to NURBS Tool in the Geometry Edit Tools the STL-file can be transitioned to a NURBS-Geometry. Therefore, the Automatic Size Calculation and the Partition Preview can stay active. The NURBS Face Density influences the number of patches merged together to one bigger patch. A low density value means that fewer, bigger patches and a high density means that more, smaller patches are created.