Interfaces have to be created for every functional surface - so every surface where a boundary condition is applied to. With this Tool an offset to the inside with the input “Interface Thickness”(Non“Non-Design Space ) Thickness” and an offset to the outside with the input “Machining Allowance” is created. The Offset Distance is expanding the Interface to the set value to create material on front faces.
One Interface is created on the force application surface. Therefore, an Interface Non-Design Space Thickness of 1 mm and a Machining Allowance of 1 mm is entered. Now select the surface and confirm the selection (MMB).
One Interface is created on the inner surfaces of the fixation. Therefore, an Interface Non-Design Space Thickness of 2 mm and a Machining Allowance of 2 mm is entered. Now select the inner surfaces and confirm the selection (MMB). The outer most surface of the Fixation is not selected because is would create material outside of the Design Space.