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Goal of this Tutorial

  • Get to know the Mesh to CAD workflow


Relevant data for this tutorial:


Step 1: Reimport your already optimised geometry


To create the final NURBS-Geometry all functional surfaces and sharp edges have to be created with Boolean Operations. The best way for this is a Boolean Intersection between the retransitioned optimisation result and the Design Space of the optimisation.

Therefore, a copy of the Design Space is needed.

Copy Design Space and remove cells:

With the Transform Tool the Solid of the Design Space can be copied by activating the Copy option and transforming with 0.


To create one solid without any cells or partitions the Boolean Merge function for cells is used. With this a Solid only for the Intersection with the NURBS Retransition is created.


Intersection between the Design Space and Smooth-Geometry:

The next step is a Boolean Intersection between the created NURBS Geometry of the optimisation result and the just copied Design Space solid.


Activate the Retain Original Bodies option to keep the Design Space.


The result is an intersected CAD-Geometry with all functional sharp edges and surfaces. At this point it is also possible to create Machining Allowances on functional surfaces if a geometry was not already created directly during the optimisation.


The whole MSC Apex Generative Design project with the retransitioned intersected CAD-file can be downloaded here:

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