For this the in MSC Apex Generative Design prepared model needs to optimization scenario can be exported into a seperate folder. In this folder all necessary files for the optimization are saved - the stl files as geometry input and the configuration file with all the optimization information. The configuration file constains contains all information necessary for the algorithm to run through the optimization and can be edited to change the optimization parameter. Further information regarding the configuration file here.
By executing the MSC Apex Generative Design Engine via command line inside this folder the optimization can be done without any graphical user interface. The optimization results are saved in the same folder an can be imported back into MSC Apex Generative Design to use the post processing.
How a command line optimization can be executed is discribed here.
How to start a Command Line Optimization:
To start the optimization a powershell needs to be opened. This can either be done by starting the powershell and navigating to the optimzation folder or directly in the optimization folder (shift+right MB). The algorithm is started using the command ….
This can be done locally or remotely on another server. It depends on the configuration file and the settings in here if the optimization is carried out on CPU or GPU.