The geometry needs to be symmetrical
The boundary conditions needs need to be symmetrical
The loads have to be applied only on a half/quarter/eighth of the part. They will be automatically mirrored and considered through the symmetry planes
Attention: The loads are only allowed to be applied in the positive coordinate direction (positive cooridnate half/quarter/octant)
The displacement constraints are allowed to be applied inside the other coordinate half/quarter/octant unlike loads
The geometry needs to be located in the global coordinate origin
All three symmetry planes can be used simultaneously if the model supports this. In this case no other further fixation constraint is necessary as the part is already fixed in all directions by the symmetry planes in all directions.
The symmetry constraint might not show exactly symmetrical designs while choosing the calculation type “Preview”. This is because of the low resolution level but will not occur once the calculation type is set to “Balanced” or “Fine Tune” and the optimization runs through.