To set up these additional parameters, the Input Commands (left side of the table) need to be added to the optimization model in the Advanced User Settings Text Field. In the picture below an example is shown. By adding these Advanced User Settings, the first (coarse) resolution level will be skipped and the optimization starts directly at the second level. You might want to add more iterations to the remaining levels to give the optimization the chance to reduce the material accordingly. Especially level 2 can use more iterations in this case.
Restart (Start Space)
With the Advanced User Settings a Restart is possible. The A Start Space can needs to be chosen with which the optimization will re/start. This way a two-stage optimization is also possible.
Therefore, an already optimized STL-file is needed as Start Space. This can be exported directly from the post processing and and be selected as a Start space Space by clicking on the browse button. In most cases the Strut Density and Shape Quality settings must be changed as well using the Advanced User Settings. For a restart the same resolution level and number of missing to be completed iterations have to be filled in.
This way a two-stage optimization is also possible. For a two-stage optimization the resolution level and number of iterations must be chosen wisely and will need some fine tuning.
With the Advanced User Settings a symmetrical result can be realized. Therefore, the geometry as well as the boundary conditions need to be symmetrical and the part must be located in the global coordinate origin.
Currently the symmetry function only works correctly, if there is no load applied on regions crossed by that cross the symmetry plane! (The symmetry plane isn’t dividing the load region)
All three symmetry planes can be used simultaneously if the model supports this. In this case no other fixation is necessary as the part is already fixed by the symmetry planes in all directions.
The symmetry constraint might not show exactly symmetrical designs while choosing the calculation type “Preview”. This is because of the low resolution level but will not occur once the calculation type is set to “Balanced” or “Fine Tune” and the optimization runs through.
Intersections between optimization results and the Design space are needed to create the final, manufacturable design. This ensures all functional sharp edges are available and the generative designed part is inside the boundary limits.
The intersected STL-files will be saved inside the project folder for every intersection in the workspace for every iteration.