Generative designed models can be reanalyzed with Apex or Nastran. Apex Generative Design is a design generator and not a high precisly FE-Analysis Tool, thus we recommend for critical parts the reanalysis with a verified solver.
To verify the generative designed part an intersection is needed. Further information about the intersection here. The intersected part can be exported as a Parasolid file (.x_b or .x_t).
The exported Parasolid-file can be imported to Apex 2020 or Apex Jaguar. Sometimes the imported solid has some manifold faces which must be deleted. By hovering over the part they are visible. With the Geometry Tools - Add/Remove Vertex the unnessesary edges can be deleted (right mouse button - delete on the green edge).
The cleaned part can be meshed with tet-elements. Usually the generative designs are very complex and need a lot of elements for a good approximation.