Import/create the design space including the nondesign spaces in MSC Apex Generativ Design 2020 as one solid. For this Bookshelf the already prepared design space was imported.
Create the material in the Materials editor and assignitl to the design space
The specific values needed are the Young's Modulus (210e3 MPa), poisson ratio (0.3) and density (7.8e-6 kg/mm3)
All boundary conditions must be assigned to the specific load cases, which are defined as Events. The number of Events can be changed by adding/deleting Events to the Meshless Generative Design Scenario. The assignment of the boundarie conditions to the Events can be made in the Loads & Constrains Window. The already created loads and constraints that concern the design space are listed in this window and can be activated for each Event individually.
Select the Strut Density: Medium (Select the Thickness: Normal)
Select the Shape Quality: Balanced (Select the Calculation Type: Optimizing)
Enter the Maximum Stress: 2 MPa